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Original GnuPG Backend in der Version 2.2.xx inklusive VS-NfD konformer Konfiguration
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Open-Data / ckanext-odsh
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0CKAN-Extension for the Open-Data-Portal Schleswig-Holstein
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OZG-Cloud / app / alfa
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Jan Dolling / schema-sh-geojson-test
Data licence Germany – attribution – version 2.0Updated -
Gpg4Win inklusive VS-NfD konformer Konfiguration
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Open-Data / DCAT Catalog Check
European Union Public License 1.2The DCAT Catalog Check is a Python script designed to monitor and validate links in a DCAT catalog.
It ensures that resource URLs are active, files are properly formatted, and MIME types match the metadata.
The tool supports various specialized format checks such as GeoJSON, XML, and PDF, logging the results for user review.
The validation of Frictionless Data Packages and Frictionless Data Resources is also supported.
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OZG-Cloud / app / osiv2-postfach
European Union Public License 1.2Updated -
OZG-Cloud / app / processor-manager
European Union Public License 1.2Updated -
Ein Proxy, der den DCAT-AP.de konformen Export des Open-Data-Portals so filtert, dass er den Anforderungen von GovData.de genügt.
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Hilfsprogramm, mit dem man aus Java-Programmen heraus DCAT-AP.de konforme Metadaten in CKAN hochladen kann.